How sports supplements can help with muscle building, energy, high performance and recovery and which supplements to use to achieve this

The best sports supplements for muscle building / more energy / pre workout / better performance / quick recovery...



What do sports supplements do?

Most of the text found below has been taken from the image above provided by Bulk Powders. You can either read the image and see the information in a visual format or read the text below before deciding what to buy using the shopping cart. We have added a few words and condensed some words where appropriate.

This is an excellent guide for personal trainers, sports nutritionists, students and the general public looking to buy supplements to improve physical performance.

Bulk Powders prices are very competitive and usually far lower than other brands whilst always providing exceptional quality. The prices mentioned above for the supplements are for the largest sizes so if you don't want the amount shown, smaller sizes are probably also available at a lower price.

Sports supplements for muscle building and recovery

If you're training hard, you need to ensure you're taking the right supplements to feed your muscles and, more importantly, fuel your recovery. Both carbohydrates and protein should be consumed immediately after a workout. The carbohydrate is needed for refuelling and the protein to start the growth and recovery process.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is a quick digesting source of quality protein, reaching the muscles in around 20 minutes. If you're looking to get amino acids quickly into the muscle then whey protein is the obvious choice. Whey protein is an excellent source of Leucine


Creatine provides high intensity energy. During high intensity exercise the body can't re-synthesis ATP quick enough. ATP is the body's immediate energy source which creatine helps to resynthesise and provide more high intensity energy for optimal performance.


Vitargo is one of the best carbohydrates for sports performance, delivering rapid glycogen re-synthesis to the muscles after a workout. The increased blood sugar levels aids the transport of protein to the muscles for repair.


Glutamine is an essential amino acid. When stressed, there can be a greater need for glutamine than the body can cope with. A lack of glutamine can result in muscle breakdown and/or compromised immune function which is why many bodybuilders use glutamine up to 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) to maintain a healthy immune system and to stop their health from deteriorating when under stress from intense and frequent workouts.


A collection of 3 essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids help increase protein synthesis and reduce muscle breakdown. BCAAs have been shown to quicken muscle recovery after exercise.


ZMA is a popular supplement for aiding hormone production and improving recovery from hard workouts. Zinc boosts testosterone levels whilst magnesium is an excellent sleeping aid to improve sleep quality and recovery. Vitamin B6 found in ZMA helps increase the absorption of these minerals.

Beta Alanine

Beta Alanine has been claimed by many as the 'new creatine'. If you're feeling tired during a workout then Beta Alanine could be the answer to keep you going until you have finished. Beta Alanine is found in small amounts in many pre workout supplements and can cause a slight pins and needles effect. However this is completely natural and helps give you a sweat and mental focus to hit your workouts hard.


Arginine has become a must have supplement amongst bodybuilders recently. Arginine helps to increase the production of nitric oxide which increases blood flow and muscular pumps. Again, this is why arginine is a popular ingredient used in pre workout supplements; it helps to give you that big workout pump!


D-Ribose is often referred to as the body's 'energy currency' because it is the building block of ATP production. It is a naturally occurring sugar and can be used with other ingredients to increase energy levels


Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid that has been used in the best pre workout supplements to improve performance. Taurine can improve performance because it has a cell volumising effect which brings about muscle pump during training. This is why you will also tend to find taurine in intra workout supplements and shakes.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape Seed Extract is a bioflavanoid which works as an antioxidant and anti-flammatory product. Grape Seed Extract's antioxidant qualities are far stronger than most antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Grape Seed Extract helps increase blood circulation and the delivery of nutrients to your muscles.


One of the most popular ingredients used in fat loss supplements, l-carnitine has been shown to be very effective at fat burning by transporting fat to cells where the fats are then burned and used as energy.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is similarly used in most fat loss supplements as well as being an excellent antioxidant. Using strong green tea extract can speed up the rate that your body burns calories when resting. Green tea extract has also been shown to increase energy levels so is a popular alternative to caffeine as it does a similar job at raising mental alertness but without the possibilities of adrenal fatigue.


Caffeine is used as a stimulant primarily but is also a great supplement to use for fat loss. Caffeine powder has been shown to reduce the rate of perceived exertion (the mental state of how hard you think you are training) which means you can push yourself even further which will bring about increased muscle growth and the burning of more calories.

Krill Oil

Krill oil is a strong omega 3 fatty acid fish oil with higher amounts of EPA and DHA than regular omega 3 fish oils. Fish oils should be seen as an essential part of your daily diet because they aid joint health, control cholesterol levels and also improve brain function.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin b5 is an essential vitamin that the body needs to convert carbohydrates into energy. It is often referred to as the 'anti stress' vitamin. Vitamin b5 is also used to help clear acne because it helps to decrease the production of skin sebum (oil).


Phenibut is a popular anti-anxiety supplement that is also used by people struggling to sleep because it can improve the ability to sleep well. Sleep is essential for growth, optimum performance and overall mental and physical health so if you struggle to sleep then think about investing in some Phenibut.