Bring your supplements to work with this unique protein shaker cup the Core 150 shaker

The Core 150 protein shaker cup is a revolutionary new shaker which competes and betters the Myprotein SmartShake by holding 1 litre of water as opposed to 800ml and can store plenty of your supplements, vitamins, minerals and snacks in an easy to use compartment system that can be transported within the shaker

The Core 150 shaker is no ordinary shaker; a bold statement to begin this review but one that is well deserved for this revolutionary product. Put simply, the Core 150 is the shaker for the serious athlete who wants to keep hydrated and perform to their best. It has a 5 star rating on 150 shaker cup on (£11.99) and a 5 star rating on the Holland & Barrett website (£12.99) so let's see why that is.

Key features of the Core 150 shaker cup

  1. Holds exactly 1 litre of water unlike the Myprotein shaker which, although labelled as 1 litre in size, actually only holds 800ml (see video below)
  2. Comes with three storage compartments to store your supplements, snacks, vitamins and minerals within the shaker. Each compartment can store 50ml of whatever you wish to fill it with
  3. It is extremely sturdy (not a thin plastic shaker like many others on the market) so is less susceptible to break. This means it will last longer and you will get better value for money


When you buy a Core 150 shakerCore 150 shaker cup on, you become attached to it. You only need to take a look on Twitter to understand the buzz around this shaker cup. I doubted at first why people would tweet about how much they want a shaker cup because it is just a bottle to hold water. But the Core 150 is more than that with a special patent and three compartment storage system which makes it very unique. I take my lime green Core 150 to work every day to keep me hydrated and use it as part of my high protein diet.




Key benefits of the Core 150 shaker cup

  1. Can carry 150g of powder within your shaker cup
  2. There is now no need to transport powders separately
  3. The compartments are removable to prevent mess and increase volume in the shaker
  4. You can use the compartments for anything such as pre/intra and post workout supplements
  5. The 1 litre volume allows for a smoother shake when mixed with water inside the shaker


No longer will you have to think about running low on your protein quota for the day. No longer will you have to potentially go hungry when you can fill up a compartment with some nuts, berries or another snack of your choice. No longer will you need to go dehydrated during the day. No longer will you need to lack energy before your workout when you can carry your pre-workout supplement with you.

Why the Core 150 shaker is essential for the serious athlete

  1. It allows you to carry three supplements/snacks with you inside the three compartments. So, for example, if you struggle to get the protein you need during the day, fill one or two of the compartments with your protein powder and take it to work inside an empty Core 150. You then fill it with water when you get to work and drop in the protein powder when you want your shake
  2. The compartments are a good size. You can fill one with a maximum of two servings of protein powder (c.25g x 2 / 2 scoops)
  3. The compartments allow you to carry around whatever else you need throughout the day. This could be a selection of nuts, Creatine powder, Glutamine powder, some pre-workout powder if you go straight from work to the gym, vitamins, minerals etc. It is entirely up to you
  4. The actual shaker comes in a variety of stylish colours for you to choose from. I've personally got the lime green one but other colours available include pink, purple and red
  5. We're often told that you should drink around 3 litres of water a day. So when you use a Core 150 shaker, you know that is three full Core 150 shaker lots of water. You will no longer need to get up and go to the kitchen every 30 minutes at work when you buy a Core 150 shaker. Just fill it up, keep it on your desk and it will keep you going for hours
  6. For every purchase, Core 150 donate money to the charity Marys Meals who provide food and drink to chronically hungry children in schools across the world. Every shaker purchased helps feed one child
  7. The Core 150 shaker comes with a life time leak guarantee so if you happen to spot a leak, you can get it replaced for free provided it falls under the terms in the warranty that comes with the shaker when you buy it

How to use the Core 150 shaker cup

On workout days I do the following;

Compartment 1 - One scoop of whey protein to use around 12pm
Compartment 2 - One teaspoon of Creatine and one teaspoon of glutamine to use in my protein shake
Compartment 3 - Two scoops of my current pre workout supplement to use around 30 minutes before I get to the gym

On non workout days;

I may fill two of the compartments with whey protein and the other with my Creatine/Glutamine mix.

If I'm running late in the morning I might use one of the compartments to put my daily Omega 3 Fish Oils and Vitamin D3 caps in.

Negative comments regarding the features of the Core 150 shaker cup

There are very few negative comments that I can put forward regarding the Core 150 shaker. If pushed, I would say that the white lid strap isn't 100% guaranteed to keep water inside the shaker if you transport it in your bag filled with water. For me, it does flip open quite easily. However this really isn't much of a concern because you will mostly be carrying around the shaker without any fluid in it so that you can store your compartments within it with the lid on. You will then fill the shaker with water when you get to work or when you get to the gym. When it is being used (i.e. taken around the gym with you), there are no problems with keeping the lid strap on the drinking hole.

Why the Core 150 shaker is better than other shakers

In conclusion, I feel the Core 150 shaker is a fantastic product that should be on the shelf of anyone who wants to stay healthy and who really likes to work out. It also looks the part with the stylish coloured top and sturdy charcoal grey container. It will last for ages because it is very solid in the way it feels and unlike most other shakers on the market, it actually fills 1 litre full with water, not 800ml/900ml.

Buy the Core 150 shaker cup from 150 shaker cup on
Buy the Core 150 shaker cup from Holland & Barrett

I will end with a few tweets that show why the Core 150 is the shaker you need to be seen with in 2019 and beyond.


Mobile prep; BCAA's, multivits, some whey for a lunchtime workout. My @Core150shaker is a godsend. #OfficeGrowth

Am I the only person on Twitter that does not own a@Core150shaker? Probably need to rectify the situation soon, I'm intrigued

Love the @core150shaker, best one out there!! Need to get another one

FINALLY placed an order for a @Core150shaker Can't wait for it to arrive!