Maximuscle Promax Breakfast Oats Review

Maximuscle Promax Breakfast Oats is a tasty, quick to prepare, high protein breakfast shake with ultra fine oats and available in delicious golden syrup and chocolate flavours


Maximuscle were eager for us to try their new Promax Breakfast Oats supplement so we have duly obliged. We received a full 700g tub from them to give it a thorough test over 1-2 weeks and this review will therefore let you know what we thought and give you some more information about the nutritional properties of Promax Breakfast Oats. We will not be exploring the health benefits of porridge oats in too much detail here; you can find further information about this in our article written by Ice Nutrition 'Why Porridge Oats Is Perfect for Building Muscle'. We have however outlined the main benefits of eating low GI carb foods.

Maximuscle Promax Breakfast Oats is a convenient whey protein and fine oats breakfast shake. If you're in a rush before heading to work or want to eat something before an early morning workout, this is the perfect product for you because the instant oats and whey protein will provide you with low GI carbs that will fill you up and give you a sustained release of energy whilst the whey protein will help with muscle growth and recovery. There are two flavours available, Golden Syrup and Chocolate and each tub comes in the size 700g.

Key Facts about Maximuscle Promax Breakfast Oats

5 Main Benefits Of a Low GI Diet

Maximuscle Promax Breakfast Oats

How does Promax Breakfast Oats Taste?

We were sent the Golden Syrup flavour and tried it with water, the healthier alternative to using milk. It was noticeable how easy the ultra fine instant oats and whey blended into the water, you only need to shake it in 250ml of water for 2 seconds and everything has dissolved. The texture is like sand with the whey protein blended in with the oats and forms the perfect whey protein shake, rather than needing to buy instant oats alongside a whey protein powder, with Maximuscle Promax Breakfast Oats you have everything that you need in one tub with oats that are guaranteed to mix perfectly. When you drink it you don't even realise that you are drinking instant oats because it is completely smooth and slides down your throat. There is also a really pleasant smell to the product when you open the tub with a slight hint of golden syrup and the sugar adds a slightly sweet sensation that touches the pallet as it goes down.

Having tried Promax Breakfast Oats for 2 weeks we have been really impressed with it and for a solution to 'breakfast on the go' it is the perfect supplement. If we were to try and find a criticism then perhaps the taste of golden syrup could be slightly stronger (although you so get a bit of syrup taste in your last gulp). Some might say it tastes just like an unflavoured protein shake although that is being a bit fussy because overall we have been really impressed with how it tastes and the energy and protein boost that it provides.

Nutritional Information Per 100g



Recommended Use

Mix one serving (1 x 50g scoop) of Promax Breakfast Oats in a Maximuscle shaker with 200ml of cold water or milk. Ideal addition to breakfast, as breakfast on the go or as a snack at any time of the day. Take 1-3 servings per day, depending on your goals and other Maximuscle products that you are using.