Slendertone and Best Gym Equipment discounts

We begin our first weekend roundup with Slendertone who have lots of great products ready and waiting for you to buy; it is not too late to make a start on that beach body. With proven results in only 4 weeks, the Slendertone system can help you on your way to looking good!

Slendertone System Arms (Female)

Get stronger, toned arms with Slendertone System Arms. The product activates biceps (biceps brachii) and triceps (triceps brachii), replicating arm toning exercises for a full workout. System Arms uses advanced clinically proven EMS Toning Technology to target the biceps and triceps, helping you to achieve more toned, stronger arms. Use 5 times a week for 4 weeks for a guaranteed improvement in upper arm definition.
With Controller £119.98
Without Controller £39.99

Slendertone System Plus (Female)

Slendertone Female System Plus is the most advanced abs belt in the range delivering firmer and flatter abs in just 4 weeks. Get the stomach you’ve only seen in Hollywood magazines. Use the Female System Abs 5 times a week for 4 weeks to achieve firmer and flatter abs - guaranteed.
Price £139.99

Slendertone System Arms (Male)

Get stronger more toned arms with Slendertone System Arms. The product activates biceps (biceps brachii) and triceps (triceps brachii) in the upper arm, replicating arm toning exercises for a full workout. System Arms uses advanced clinically proven EMS Toning Technology to target the biceps and triceps, helping you to achieve more toned, stronger arms. Use 5 times a week for 4 weeks for a guaranteed improvement in upper arm definition.
Price with Controller £119.99
Price without Controller £31.99

Slendertone System Plus (Male)

Slendertone Male System Plus is the most advanced abs belt in the range providing toned and stronger abs in just 4 weeks. Get those abs you’ve always dreamt about quickly and easily.
Price £139.99

Slendertone Bottom

The New Slendertone Bottom uses advanced clinically proven toning technology to exercise the muscles in your bottom, giving you a firmer and more uplifted bottom in just 4 weeks allowing you to fit better in your jeans and shorts. The Slendertone Bottom replicates bottom toning exercises, a 30 minute session is as effective as doing 60 reversed leg lifts, proven by experts to be the best exercise to tone, tighten and reshape your bottom.
Price £140.00

Best Gym Equipment have some cracking home gym fitness equipment and commercial gym fitness equipment ranges, all with free delivery! We are also advertising a 5% off all orders voucher code which means massive savings on your fitness equipment. Below we have outlined details on a few of their best selling ranges.

Power Plate MY3: £1,495.00 incl VAT & FREE Delivery!

The Power Plate MY3 is the most affordable way to bring Acceleration Training exercise into any size home or apartment. No matter how demanding your schedule, you can make room for three 15-minute full-body workouts a week on the upgraded Power Plate my3 machine.

WaterRower A1 Home Rower: ONLY £699.00

The WaterRower A1 is hand crafted in solid Ash and stained Honey Oak for consistency of colour. Rowing has long been recognised as the most complete aerobic exercise as it works 84% of the muscle mass - more than any other exercise! Rowing recruits all major muscle groups - maximise gain, minimise time, derive maximum benefit from an all body workout and burn more calories in less time. Kind to the body- no impact or load on the joints, suitable for all, young or old, male or female, big or small, fit or unfit. Relaxing to the mind- smooth and rhythmical, a joy to use, combines aerobic and resistance providing a unique combination of aerobic and anaerobic benefits.

iJoy Board: ONLY £399.00

A unique and exciting way to work out! The Human Touch iJoy Board has been engineered to work your muscles by challenging your stance. The iJoy Board balance trainer workout involves your hips, legs, abdominal and lumbar muscles, and obliques. The iJoy Board unique balance challenge works your muscles while you simply keep your balance. This balance trainer is a fun and easy way to strengthen, tone, reshape and train your body!

OSIM uRelax: ONLY £188.00

The OSIM uRelax relieves you of aches and strains from your back and shoulders, without leaving your seat. Transform your chair into a massage chair instantly with the OSIM uRelax. Light and portable, the uRelax is a massage cushion that fits easily onto most chairs. Now you can enjoy a relaxing back massage anytime, anywhere at your convenience.

BH Fitness Prisma M10 Treadmill: ONLY £699.00 (SAVE 22%)

The BH Fitness Prisma M10 Treadmill is the entry level in the Prisma series of treadmills even though the specification compares with other higher priced machines.

The BH Prisma M10 is packed full of innovative features including an exclusive plug and run system which requires no constructing simply unfold, lock and start running. The M10 Treadmill features a Progressive Cushioning System (PCS) - this system provides a natural, comfortable feeling for the user while accommodating the body´s need for additional cushioning on flat surfaces. The BH M10 treadmill also allows you to design your own fitness programs to suit your training needs.


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